Blog Part 1:
So, by now most of you know I took Mommy to Texas so I could meet all her friends and family. I have never been to Texas, but I am having a great time, plus I am making sure mama (that's a Texas word) stays safe and makes sure she takes all her medicines. I have been "blogging" and posting pictures on mama's facebook account, which I will also post here, once we get back to Virginia. I didn't know mama had so many family members, and I love them all, especially my grandpa, even if he does call me 'rata'. It's okay though, he lets me sleep on his lap and he takes care of me when mama has to go out and can't take me places cause they don't allow service dogs.
So my new blog has started. I'll post it on facebook now and when it is all complete after we get home. Miss everyone at home, especially Micah, but I hear he is having a great time either with Henry or with Aunt BB. Wonder if he is going to want to come home after he's been over there for a few days. I don't know who loves him more, Jacob, Daniel or Mandy.
Write again soon, Love, Maizie!
Blog Part 2:
It's taken a while to recuperate, but I finally am rested enough to tell everyone about my first trip to Texas.
First, I learned, as I left Virginia it is important to stop at every state sign and get your picture taken. I don't know why, but Mommy said this was important, if you've never been to that State before, so here are all the pictures she could get.
These are all the signs we stopped at on the way there. Mommy said there wasn't one in Georgia and she didn't see one in Alabama.

This is the one from Virginia when we came home. I was really glad when I didn't have to take any more sign pictures!
When we got to Texas I got to meet my Grandpa. He was lots and lots of fun. I like playing with him and like sitting on his chair, only I was afraid of it at first. My daddy has one kind of like my grandpa's. The feet thingy pops up but daddy usually waits til I'm on his lap before he pops it up. Grandpa would pop it up and it would scare me, then I wouldn't know how to get on his lap, but he was so nice that he would put it down and let me crawl up and then pop it again.
One day, I got to meet some of Mommy's litter. I got to meet two of her sisters (mommy called them aint Becky and aint Patty - she sure talks funny here). I thought that was a weird thing to call her litter mates, but I soon got used to it. She also said that I had an uncle dale. He came with aint Patty so I guess he must be part of the litter too. These are the pictures I took with them.
We got to Grandpa's on Saturday and saw them all on Sunday. I had lots of fun cause I got lots of love!
On Monday, we took a drive and Mommy took me to get pictures with bluebonnets. I didn't know what bluebonnets were before, but Mommy told me they were the State flower of Texas. They are very pretty. She even taught me a song. Want to hear it? It goes like this. "Bluebonnets, bluebonnets, bluebonnets oh so blue. Your bright eyes are shining like the silvery dew. I know you're a dolly, offered for the rain. I'll know that you'll return again to Texas in the spring." Isn't that pretty. Mommy sings it much better than me. While we were out taking pictures, mommy met this guy named Rodney, who was taking pictures of his dogs too and said he would take some of me. He said he was a professional photographer, like my daddy, and said he would send the pictures to mommy for free. We both thought that was very nice. Here are his pictures (in a little video).
There was lots and lots of other things we did, but mostly I just had fun running around grandpa's really big back yard. I hope we get to go to Texas again sometime soon. Mommy has other litter mates I didn't get to meet and they all have babies, and their babies have babies.
Thank you Mommy for taking me to Texas, and thank you grandpa for letting us come and stay. Sorry for pee peeing and poopying on your floor that couple times, and thanks for not getting mad at me when I had my little accidents.