Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Is 90 days really the Terrible Two's?

So Mommy says today I am three months old.  Funny, I don't feel any older.  Those funny two legged animals I see every day say I'm getting bigger too.  Mommy did have to let my collar out a little the other day, so maybe I am.  Some of the clothes she bought me fit too (but I still hate them!).  Thank goodness I'm still so little because last night she pulled out all of her Build-a-Bear clothes to see what would fit and NOTHING did (yay)!  I love my Mommy, but I have to watch out for her.  She has 3 boxes full of Build-a-Bear clothes.  I hope I stay really, really little, because then she can never put them on me.

I heard Mommy talking yesterday and she said she think's I've hit my terrible two's.  I don't know what that means, but it sounds really bad.  She says that I don't sleep as much as I did when I first came home with her, and now I want to play a lot more.  I do know I want a lot more of her attention when we are at that place she calls work.  She "fussed" at me this morning because I wanted to play and the only way I could get her attention was to bark at her.  She kept saying, "Shhh, we're going to get in trouble", but I just want to play.  My favorite game is chase her fingers.  I'm getting pretty quick; I catch them almost every time.  I try not to bite her too hard when we play, but sometimes I forget and she yelps when I bite too hard, then she doesn't want to play anymore.  I also like to explore more, and boy does Mommy have a lot of places in her office for me to hunt through.  She's got all kinds of stuff on her floor that I can get into - I just wish she'd stop taking things out of my mouth.  As soon as I find something I like to chew on she takes it away.  Gosh, I'll be glad when I'm older and she lets me do what I want.

Well, I've played myself out again, so I'm going to find the pumpkin Build-a-Bear costume she brought for me to wear today (that is way to big and doesn't fit) and lay on it for a while and take a bit of a nap.  See how cute I am?  How in the world can Mommy think I'm so terrible???

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