Saturday, December 7, 2013

My First Santa Visit

Today Mommy took me to Petsmart to see my doctor and to get my picture taken with Santa Claus.  She's been talking about it for days.  I've never met Santa Claus, but she's been showing me who he is.  We've watched lots of movies with him in it.  I know he's someone who wears a really pretty red outfit and he has a white beard and wears a red hat.  I was excited to see him because I really like to meet new people.

When we got to Petsmart, the first thing I did was run into my friend Ginny.  I remembered Ginny from my play date with Kasey.  I looked for Kasey, but she wasn't there but I think Ginny was going to tell Kasey I said hi.  I hope so, because I really miss playing with her.

After we talked to Ginny, Mommy noticed a sign that said Santa would not be there until 11:00.  It was still really early, so we didn't think we were going to get to meet him.  I went off to my doctors appointment and got to meet Nurse Sarah.  Nurse Sarah was really really nice and she thought I was really cute.  Mommy told her we didn't think we were going to get to see Santa and she showed her the dress I was going to wear.  Nurse Sarah was so excited she wanted to take my picture, so Mommy changed me into my dress and Nurse Sarah took me in the back and I got my picture taken with a lot of new people I had never met before.

When Nurse Sarah brought me back to Mommy, Mommy decided that if I couldn't have my picture taken with Santa then I should have it taken with Nurse Sarah.  Mommy said something about her being one of Santa's reindeer.  I don't know what that is, but Mommy and Nurse Sarah did so I was happy to let her take my picture.

After I had to have a shot, which I didn't like much.  I've decided I don't like shots.  They hurt and are really kind of yucky.  Now my shoulder hurts a lot.

We did a little, what Mommy calls, shopping after my shot.  We drove to another store and she bought some stuff there.  I don't know what because I was really only paying attention to the people there.  After that we went to another Petsmart and then I got to see him.  Santa was there and so were lots and lots of other dogs.  I was so excited, all I wanted to do was run and play, but Mommy didn't want to let me down to go run and play.

Finally it was my turn to take my picture.  Santa looked a little different than the ones I had seen in the movies, but he was still really nice.  I had fun taking my picture, but was very happy when Mommy said we were going home because I was tired.

It was another fun day and I was happy I got to spend it with Mommy, although I could really have lived without the shot.

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