Saturday, January 11, 2014

Catching up

Mommy reminded me today it has been a long time since I posted anything to my blog, so I thought I would add something today just to say hi to everyone (especially my bestest friend Ellie) and let you know I've missed you all since the last time I was on.

So I think the last time I was here, I told you all about my first visit with Santa.  Well, as it turns out, he wasn't the REAL Santa after all.  The real Santa came to visit us on December 24, long after I went to bed.  He left us all kinds of stuff.  The pretty tree that mommy put in the living room (which I never messed with, by the way) was full underneath with lots and lots of presents.  Not only that, but there were stockings too, hung up in front of the fireplace that had stuff in them too.  That Santa guy is pretty cool, if you ask me. I mean, wow!  I had so much fun opening up my presents, but mostly I had fun because Taylor and Megan came over to visit and to spend some time.  I know that made mommy really happy too.

After we had presents, Taylor and Megan went to visit Taylor's parents and we went over to Aunt BB's house.  I got to play with Mandy and Daniel and Jacob.  I heard they had a cat, but I never saw him.  His name is Charlie, but Charlie wouldn't come out and play with me.  I did get to play a little with Bailey though, but I don't think he likes me much.  He growls at me like Toby and Mysti.  I don't know why, because I love them so much and I just want to play with them.  I hope when I get a little older they will want to play with me more.  They look like so much fun.  I would love for them to chase me and let me jump all over them, but all they do now is just growl and yell at me.  It's okay, because I usually talk back to them, which makes my mommy laugh and makes them just look at me funny.

After Christmas came New Years.  I don't know what that means, but we stayed up late and watched a lot of TV.  At midnight mommy and daddy kissed (ewwwww), and then mommy cried a little bit and then I kissed her all over her face.  I don't know why she was crying, but I think my kisses made her all better.  Maybe daddy's did too, but I think mine are way better than his.

During Christmas and New Years, me and mommy got to stay home a lot.  I love going to school with mommy, but it was so much fun just sleeping in and laying around in bed until we were ready to get up.  When we did get up, we had blueberry waffles for breakfast and then we kind of just layed around rested.  Mommy was still a little sick (she had been for a long time) so I spent a lot of time taking care of her.  When I knew she wasn't feeling well, I never left her side.  In fact, I spent a lot of time just sleeping really close to her so she would know I was there in case she needed me.  I love my mommy and daddy so much, I would do anything for them.

Mommy also had a lot of homework to do, so I helped her with that.  This is when I accidentally ate her homework, and this is when I fell asleep waiting for her to get done.

L:ast weekend Toby and Mysti came to visit.  Mommy was so happy.  Things did not go well at first, because they were really made at me, but by morning, things were much better.  This is the picture that daddy got of all of us in bed with mommy.  We didn't get to close to each other, but at least we were all in the same bed.

This weekend, mommy was sick again.  She was so sick she couldn't go to work on Friday, so I spent most of the day sleeping right next to her head, or under her chin. Wherever I thought it hurt, that's where I would lie.  It must have worked, because by noon today she was feeling much, much better.  She even got up and we went downstairs for a little while.  Mommy is having some work done in the house.

I got to meet a really nice man named Mike - his friends call him Dr. Paint.  He's been working on a couple walls for mommy and I've been pooping on the plastic he put all over the floor.  It looks a lot like my pee pee pads, so I got a little confused.  Anyway, he is really nice, and I like him a lot.  He talks to me and he plays with me, when I sneak downstairs when I know mommy is sleeping.  I don't stay long, because I don't want mommy to be alone and wake up and I'm not there.  But he is very nice and very funny.  I hope he comes back because I really do like him.

Tonight, daddy came home and we watched the Saints game on TV.  He was not happy because they lost and now they don't get to go to the Super Bowl (whatever that is).  It's probably my fault they lost because I didn't change out of my snowman pajama's into my Saints Cheer leading outfit.  Sorry daddy.  I hope you're not too mad at me.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say for now.  Tomorrow I am going to go to my very first all Yorkie play date.  I am very excited.  I've never been in a room with a whole bunch of Yorkie s before.  This should be a lot of fun.  Hopefully mommy will take lots of pictures so I can post them on my blog for you all to see.

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