Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Finally got the computer to myself

Well it's about time, Mommy finally left me alone with her computer.  It has been a VERY long time since I posted, but I just can't seem to get her to even give me five minutes so I can blog.  I keep telling her I have faithful followers out there, but she is just too busy doing work, or homework, or playing Farmville on Facebook to care.  So while she's at work, I thought I would take advantage of the situation and take over her computer and let everyone know what has been happening with me lately.

So, first off, on Sunday I turned 7 months.  Mommy says I've got an attitude now - I have no idea what she's talking about.  She keeps calling me her little "tween".  I don't know what that is, but I have a feeling it's not good because when she says it, she doesn't exactly sound happy.  When she's happy she calls me Monkey, which I do like.

I also completed my first puppy training class, but Mommy says she doesn't know how because all I wanted to do was play with the other dogs.  I don't know WHAT her problem is, I just like having fun and the big dogs are so much fun to play with.  The little dogs are too, but they don't rough and tumble as much as the bigger dogs do.

OH, and we went to the dog park the other day.  That was so much fun.  The first day we were there, there was a whole bunch of little dogs and I had fun, but I wanted to get on the other side of the fence so I could play with the bigger dogs.  Last week, I got to and it was SO much fun.  I would run up on one of them and they would chase me then roll me over and over.  It was AWESOME.  I got really dirty but it was worth it because the big dogs are so much fun.  Their parents always get worried when I'm around because they are afraid that I'm going to get hurt, but I can take it.  I'm tough and I love how they play.  No one barks at me.  They just run and run and run (because I'm fast and they can't catch me - most of the time).

I don't go to work with Mommy as much as I used to, because she says I'm to rambunctious. I don't have any idea what that means, all I know is that I really miss being with her.  I do like being at home though.  I get Mommy and Daddy's big old bed all to myself and then when they get home they give me lots and lots of love.

I've also discovered the backyard - did I tell you we had a backyard?  Well we do and it's so much fun.  There are lots of places for me to explore.  I'm glad the weather is finally getting warmer because now I can go out and play as long as I want.  It's great being a big girl.

I guess that's it for now.  Daddy is getting ready to go to work, so I better get off the computer so I can spend a little time with him before he goes.  Have a good day everyone.  Maybe Mommy will let me on the computer again soon and I won't have to sneak around to get it.

Love, Maizie

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