While Mommy was getting ready for bed tonight, and before she started homework, I took her phone and took some selfies. It is the first time I've actually taken selfies so I hope they came out okay. Mommy hasn't seen them so when she see's my blog she will be seeing them for the first time. I hope she likes them and I hope you like them all too! I did forget to edit a couple, but I'm sure Daddy will forgive me. He takes better pictures anyway, and it was my first time, after all. Plus I really don't know what editing is, I just hear Daddy telling Mommy she should edit her pictures before she posts them.
I also have to share some news with you. I am getting a baby brother! His name is Micah. I've seen pictures of him and he is really cute. Not as cute as me, but who is? Just kidding. Micah is my cousin's Stella and Noah's baby. Stella and Noah live with my Daddy and Mommy's cousin Nikki. They live all the way in Oklahoma. I don't know where that is. Maybe someone can tell me. Anyway, Micah is flying here on an airplane on the 22nd and I cannot wait. I don't know what an airplane is either. Maybe someone can tell me that too. I think if it fly's it must be a big bird like the ones I chase in the back yard all the time. It must be bigger than those birds though because I don't think I could fly on one of those. I don't know for sure because they won't stay still long enough for me to try. I don't mean to chase them, I really just want to play but they see me coming and they just fly away.
I try to play with the squirrels too, but they don't sit still either. I do not understand why no one will play with me, they just all go away when I come outside. I am glad Micah is coming. I know I will love him; I hope he loves me too. If he does then I will always have someone to play with.
So here are my selfies. I am excited for Mommy and Daddy to see them. If I still have followers out there, I hope you like them too. I know I said this before, but I do promise to blog more often. When Micah gets here, maybe we can blog together. Please write back if you want.

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