I'm so glad to have a Mommy who loves me and takes care of me, so when she got sick, I knew it was my turn to make her feel better too. Ever since that Halloween thing, she has really been feeling bad. She coughs a lot (I know what this is, cause I sometimes cough too). When I cough, she picks me up and pats my back and makes sure I didn't swallow anything I wasn't supposed to. Then she pets me and gives me something to drink and I feel much better.
I can't do that for her, because she's bigger than me, but I when she starts to cough, I like to climb up on her lap and sit on her until she quits. I also like to get tissues for her. If I can get a hold of the box, I will grab a tissue for her, and shred it up for her so it's easier for her to blow her nose in - at least I think it is, because those tissues can be pretty big. I will admit, I do make her chase me down for it. I'm pretty sure this makes her feel better because she gets lots of color in her cheeks when she's chasing me. Plus, if I get her tissue, I always get a cookie to give it up, so she must really appreciate all of my help.

Today, she got this thing dropped off that made a lot of noise. I don't know what it was, but she was very happy when it came in that she almost hugged the man who dropped it off. I tried to help her set it up - I kept holding the mouth piece thing for her, but she didn't seem to need my help. I didn't like the noise much, but she did feel better afterwards. We even got to take a nap on the couch when she was done. I think she felt better when she woke up because she hardly coughed at all.
I hope she feels better soon. I hate to see my Mommy sick. She doesn't want to play with me as much and I really need someone to play with. Maybe Daddy will play with me now, because I'm really kind of bored.
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