When Daddy came home she decided to go to bed, but before she did, she scooped me up and tried this pretty yellow and blue dress on me. Like most things it was way to big on me, but then she started putting things in it to make it fit better. I thought it was pretty until she tried to put it on me, then it wasn't nearly so pretty anymore. Thankfully it was only on me for a few minutes before she went off to bed.

When we got to work, everyone who saw us thought we were really cute. Mommy kept saying I was her twin for twin day. I didn't know what that meant, at all. She did take me to class with her, which was fun, and everyone thought I looked really pretty, so I guess that was a good thing. During class they were talking about something called wood berry and spirit week. I didn't know what any of that meant, but I did hear Mommy say that's why we were dressed as twins. I saw some other students dressed up together too, so I guess it was okay, but I'm still confused about what wood berry is and why it is so special. I mean, I know what wood is because I got in trouble for eating a piece of it the other day. I found it outside and it was really fun to chew on but it made a big mess in Mommy's office and so she took it away from me. What I don't know is what a berry is and why you have to have a twin for a piece of wood or a berry? I do know what a banana is, because I have that every morning. Maybe a berry is like that. If it is, then it would make sense why everyone is so excited. Wood and banana's are great things, so maybe wood and berry's are too. They must be if they have a whole week to celebrate them! I just hope tomorrow I don't have to dress up again.
If someone out there knows what a wood berry is, maybe you can tell me. If not, maybe I'll start my own week and call it wood banana. I don't think I'll dress up though. I like me just the way I am.
Maizie, Woodberry is a school in Orange, VA that we play against each year in Football. Our game was on the 9th of November and, very sadly, we lost. We would have been at the game and you could have seen it first hand if you hadn't had to have shots and if I wasn't still sick.