This weekend, I was very busy. First, on Saturday, Mommy took me to the vet. Mommy was very happy because I have gained almost a full pound. On Saturday I weighed 2.6 lbs. Mommy says I am getting to be a big girl. I don't feel so big, but I do notice my sweaters are fitting a little better now.
This is me with Kasey and Miss Ginny |
On Sunday, I made a whole bunch of new friends. I had my very first, official, play date with a Kasey Ireland. Kasey is a Cockapoo and lives with her mommy, Ginny, her daddy, Greg and her "brother", Josh and her new baby "sister" Emily. They have the biggestest yard I have EVER seen. Oh my gosh. Kasey and I got to run and run and run all over the place. Her yard went on forever. Kasey was really nice to me and lots of fun to play with. She let me jump all over her and chase her. Then she would chase me back and sometimes she would run into me and I would roll over and over. It was so much fun. Mommy and Miss Ginny thought we were really funny.
This is us again. We were REALLY tired after our play date |
I got to play with Josh too and he was a lot of fun also. He let me chase him and when I did he would laugh really hard. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun. I hope I get to go back again soon, or I hope Kasey gets to come over to my house. We don't have such a big yard to play in, so I don't know if she would like it as much, but I do have lots of toys for her to play with, so maybe that would make her happy.
Thanks Kasey, for the wonderful day. I can't wait to do it again.
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